Welcome to my portfolio page!

Hi, I'm Dominic. I'm a first class Computer Science graduate from the University of Essex and have several years worth of experince working with C++, Java, C# and Python programming languages. Below are some of my completed projects, please take a look!

Recent Projects

Small Compiler | Java | ANTLR 4

A small compiler created in Java using the ANTLR 4 library. The compiler tokenises, parses, performs semantic analysis, then translates the input code into executable python code

Rooted Rebellion | C# | Unity

A 2D boss battle game created in 48 hours for Global Game Jam 2023. Developed alongside another programmer using Git version control.

Zombie Nightmare | C# | Unity

A zombie wave shooter inspired by the Call of Duty 'Zombies' gamemode with some unique systems added for purchasing weapons and dynamically increasing the difficulty.

Contact Information

Please feel free to contact me for any queries or business related matters using my contact details below!